January 9, 2012

11:16am & 6:32am

My dreams have come true - I am a mother.

I have forever, as long as I can remember wanted to be a mother. I know, I know...blah blah...

I remember before I had kids what it was like to listen to people go on and on about their little ones...I'm not going to lie sometimes I tuned out...just a little. (so there's your warning....I don't mind if you tune out...maybe)

It is one of those things in life that you just cannot describe 100% to someone until they are a parent themselves. My mom used to say all the time ''you'll understand when you have kids..." Now I do mom.
It is like throwing yourself into a wind tunnel of every emotion coming at you all at once and a love that you could never imagine knowing or comprehend feeling. Endless and amazing.

For me one of my most favorite things to do is to share and experience something with them that you can see the pure joy change them...and change me. That happened this past Sunday. I took my 4 year old on a date to see the live Broadway production of the Beauty and The Beast. It was the best!

We sat 1st row and I watched Taylor more than I watched the show. It was her fist major show, and she was trying to be such a lady...In her booster seat... I lifted her up and she could see the orchestra practicing before the show...She was in awe that the music came for real live instruments. The whole show she was smiling from ear to ear...naturally Belle is her favorite princess.

However the best moment of the whole experience was at the end of the performance when the performers were bowing and we were clapping and thanking them for an AMAZING show...I looked over at Taylor and she was smiling, staring up at Belle and tears were streaming...The stage lights lit up her face and she announced that she "was not crying." We sat for a minute after the show and I told her that it was okay to cry and asked her if these were happy tears. She said that they were happy tears because Belle and the Beast fell in love. So then I cried. Seriously we must be related or something...what a beautiful child. We held hands and walked out of the theater. The best day I've had in a long time.

Watching the girls respond to their emotions - and trust me it's not always so cute...(today before dinner the emotion of the day was anger...and announcing to the house that she was mad by throwing all her things on her bed against the bedroom door) Seriously not sure where she gets that.... ;)

Kira went on her own daddy and daughter date to the Fantasy Land at West Edmonton Mall...they had a great time and their own experiences. Kira told me that they went on rides, had ice cream and talked....Love it.

We do mostly everything with both Craig and I but it is so nice to do special things one-on-one with each of them. Next time we'll switch it up...Ahhh life is flying by! The saying is true that once you have kids it just flies....

Hold on to them - they are only this little for such a short time...Children are amazing and I am so blessed that I have them in my life, not only my own, but my nieces and nephews and my best friends' children that I get to watch grow up with mine...A new generation right before our eyes. Pure love.

Taylor Victoria Lynn 5/19/07 - 11:16am
Kira Brenda Lee 10/23/08 - 6:32 am

“Look at children. Of course they may quarrel, but generally speaking they do not harbor ill feelings as much or as long as adults do. Most adults have the advantage of education over children, but what is the use of an education if they show a big smile while hiding negative feelings deep inside? Children dont usually act in such a manner. If they feel angry with someone, they express it, and then it is finished. They can still play with that person the following day.”
― Dalai Lama


  1. Beautiful post, I'm all choked up over Taylor. So sweet. I'm so glad Sunday was such a huge success for both girlies!

  2. Great Post...I love my emotional niece (Just like her Mama)
