Whatever it is, whenever it comes, however it presents itself to you, it is up to you to take it for what it is, or leave it for someone else. When things like this happen to me I think its a little serendipityish...{not a word I know...however I think it works here...}
The other day I was having one of those mom slump days, the ones where you feel like no one listens, they hate the food you make, they have tantrums and talk back, they drain every last bit of energy you have after a very long week....you know the basic shitty mom day.
About 1 hour from the time Craig was due to walk in the door I found comfort in the fact that the girls were miraculously playing together in Taylor's bedroom. I immediately retreated to the family room to try and "rest-up" and figure out where I was going to muster the energy to even think about making dinner for people who, that day, hated anything I made to eat. {I knew Craig would appreciate my effort} but it was seriously looking like an order pizza kind of night!
I flicked on the TV and immediately this commercial from Johnson & Johnson came on...I was meant to see this very commercial at this very moment...the universe was speaking to me...
I love moments like this...what you need at that very moment is given to you. It's your job to recognize it and take what you need from it...whatever that may be.
So after I watched that commercial...I'm not going to lie I cried...if you know me well, you're not shocked in the least. I put on my mommy panties {cringe...panties...not my favorite word} and changed my attitude. The girls helped me make dinner, they set the table, they ATE and we ended up having a great rest of our night....Thanks Johnson & Johnson.
I would also like to thank the universe!